9 Different Types of Colleges

types of colleges

Are you going to college? What school did you pick? What course are you going to take? These are just some of the common questions of a graduating high school student. Upon reaching the final year in high school, a student will have to face another stage of his/her life – to pursue college or … Read more

13 Different Types of Farming

types of farming

Perhaps the oldest occupation known to mankind (followed very closely by parenting), farming allowed our ancestors to stop migrating and create the first villages. In modern times, we’ve developed a wide range of farming techniques our forebears could never have imagined. The following types of farming are just a few examples of how versatile this … Read more

9 Different Types of Forces

types of forces

One of the most important concepts in Physics, force is anything that causes an object motion or change of its velocity. Force can be described in simple language as push or pull upon an object which results to its interaction with another object. Force is divided into two major broad categories: contact force and action-at-a-distance … Read more

9 Different Types of Dentists

types of dentists

Everyone knows what a dentist is and has an idea of what they do in the broadest sense, but did you know there are actually a wide range of dental specializations out there? Depending on the issue you’re having, seeing a particular specialist could mean the difference between saving a tooth, getting top-quality implants, or … Read more

27 Different Types of Makeup

types of makeup

There are a lot of reasons why people, especially women, wear makeup on their everyday lives. They use it to hide the ‘flaws’ on their faces (wrinkles, acne, eczema, etc.) that cause them insecurities, and to enhance their best features. Some apply it to look younger, or older, of course depending on their age. Many … Read more

5 Different Types of Franchises

types of franchise

Starting a new business can be a nightmare of trademarking, inventory, investments, and advertising that could ultimately lead to failure and potential bankruptcy. Franchises are an excellent way to get a head start with far less risk involved. Experts argue about how many different models there are out there based on how they define each … Read more

7 Different Types of Fractions

types of fractions

Fractions: We all had to deal with them in math class, and even today they plague us. But did you know fractions have existed for thousands of years and that the most basic math relies on them? The Oxford Dictionary defines a fraction as a numerical quantity that isn’t a whole number. The word itself … Read more

19 Different Types of Lawyers (and What They Do)

types of lawyers

The law is a complicated thing. Each year, more and more laws are added that help define, supersede, or modify existing laws. The result is a complete mess that no one person will ever be able to navigate. To help combat this overwhelming amount of information, law firms often hire staff with a range of … Read more

12 Different Types of Fairies (and Close Kin)

types of fairies

Mention a fairy, and the average American will picture a bird-sized human with butterfly wings and a penchant for mischief. However, this is a very modern take on a very old concept. Faeries (AKA fae) are found mostly in Celtic mythology and are a lot darker in nature than the modern interpretation. Most fairies can … Read more

11 Different Types of Forks

types of forks

The US tend to take forks for granted. In the Orient, chopsticks are traditional, with forks only recently becoming widespread. In Europe, the fork didn’t begin to catch on until the 1500s. During the Medieval period, a predecessor to the modern day roast and carving forks was in use, but only in major feasts for … Read more