23 Different Types of Demons

Types of Demons

See Also: 13 Different Kinds of Werewolves

1. Alp

An alp is a nightmare being originating in German folklore. Not to be bewildered with the similarly named Alp-luachra, the alp is sometimes likened to a vampire, but its actions are more akin to that of the incubus.

It is distinct from both of these creatures in that it wears a magic hat called a Tarnkappe, as of which it draws its powers.

See Also: 11 Types of Mages

2. Archdemon

Archdemons are illustrated as the leaders of demonic hosts, presently as archangels lead choirs of angels. In the Occult tradition, there is controversy regarding which demons should be classed as archdemons.

During the middle Ages these characterization were no longer significant, but still persisted. New ones appeared, typically revolving around Satan and the Antichrist.

3. Bajang

The Bajang was briefly revealed in this article regarding vampire cats. The Bajang is a Malaysian demon cat. This vampire is frequently described as appearing in the form of apolecat, which is more similar to a weasel than an adorable, cuddly kitten.

4. Cambion

Cambions are the children of demons by human mothers. In medieval legend, a cambion is the half-human children of the combination between a human male and a succubus, or of an incubus and a human female.

5. Demoness

A female demon.

6. Fallen Angel

Fallen angels are formed spiritual beings who rebelled in opposition to God. Fallen angels are those angels who rebelled against God all along with Lucifer, an archangel who became the devil.

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7. Familiar

In European folklore and folk-belief , familiar spirits (named to simply as “familiars” or “animal guides”) were assumed to be supernatural entities that would assist witches and cunning folk in their practice of magic.

According to the records of the time, they would show in numerous guises, frequently as an animal, but also at times as a human or humanoid figure, and were illustrate as clearly defined, three-dimensional; forms, vivid with color.

8. Goblin

Demogoblin was originally an unidentified demon who populated Limbo and was banished there eons ago for unknown reasons. His essence was merged with the Hobgoblin when Jason asked N’astirh for more authority in switch over for his soul.

9. Gorgon

Demogorgon, also known as the Prince of Demons, was a powerful demon lord and lesser deity. The self-proclaimed title “Prince of Demons” was one that was held by virtue of power and influence and was acknowledged by both mortals and his fellow demons.

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10. Imp

An imp is a mythological creature like to a fairy or goblin, commonly illustrate in folklore and superstition. The Old English noun imp meant a young shoot or scion of a plant or tree and in a while came to indicate the scion of a noble house, or a child in common.


11. Incubus

An incubus is a Lilin-demon in male forms that, according to mythological and legendary traditions, deception upon women in sort to connect in sexual activity with them. Its female counterpart is a succubus.

12. Jikininki

Human-eating ghosts. It is said that Muso was roaming alone through the mountains in the Mino prefecture of Japan when he lost his way. It was roughly dark when he saw on a hill an old anjitsu, the home of lonely priests.

He walked to the peak of the hill and asked the inhabitant if he might stay the night. The inhabitant was an old priest who cruelly refused him place to stay, though he told him he could find food and a place to sleep in a hamlet close by.

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13. Jinn

Jinn also Romanized as djinn or anglicized as genies, are supernatural beings. In early Arabian and later Islamic mythology and theology. A human being member of the jinn is known as a jinni, djinni, or genie.

They are found in writings commonly in the Quran (the 72nd sura is titled Sūrat al-Jinn) and other Islamic texts and dwell in the world. The Quran says that the jinn are completed of a smokeless and “scorching fire”, but are also physical in nature.

14. Kappa

The Kappa is a being in Japanese Folklore. In places where it is alleged to roam, warning signs have been placed to ward away children and tourists. Kappas are water demons with unbelievable elastic arms. They attract people to their pools and drown them to have them.

15. Leviathan

Leviathan (“twisted, coiled”) is a sea monster referenced in the Tanakh, or the Old Testament. This term has turn into synonymous with any large sea monster or being.

16. Marching Hordes

A demon swarm and war bringers or takers.

17. Nickar

Nickar is a demon or spirit in the Dictionnaire Infernal. They are wicked water spirits who drown people, torment fisherman, tip larger than boats and throw them to the tops of shore-side trees.

18. Nightmare

Demonology of nightmares and night terrors comes from medieval myths detailing that demons preyed on humans, usually at night. Demons would come upon the sleeping tormenting them for immoral intentions.

19. Poltergeist

In folklore and parapsychology, a poltergeist (German for “pounding ghost”) is a kind of ghost or other supernatural force or being which is accountable for physical disturbances, such as loud noises and objects being moved or ruined.

20. Puck

In English folklore, Puck, sometimes known as Robin Goodfellow, is known as a domestic and a nature sprite, and a demon, or a fairy as well.

21. Rokurokubi

Rokurokubi is a type of Japanese yōkai. There are two types, the ones whose necks extend or stretch, and the ones whose heads come off and fly around freely. They frequently appear in traditional kaidan and essays, and they are frequently the subject of yōkai depictions.

22. She-Demon

A conglomeration of the most horrible things from hell that by some means start its way to earth. This succubus/demoness takes the form of a human female and attempts to shape in with the human society.

23. Succubus

A succubus is a demon in female form or supernatural thing in folklore that shows in dreams and takes the figure of a woman in order to seduce men, typically through sexual activity.

17 thoughts on “23 Different Types of Demons”

  1. I’m writing a story and looking for something that could maybe show up in a strike of lightning and leave a sulfur smell, I know the sulfur smell is more of a movie/tv thing but I like that idea.

  2. Actually when it comes to Succubi and Incubi they aren’t gender specific, they are actually role specific. Typically an incubus is “dominant ” and a succubus is “submissive”. I don’t remember all the details, but I’m pretty sure that this is the base.

    • Both the Gargoyle and the imp will work for that. The Gargoyle is common with the smell when the demon is created by a human wizard or such. Perhaps after three years the smell might go away…. The imp demon might be called on by the Gargoyle as a servant. Good luck

  3. I don’t know what demon I am looking for but it is haunting me and my dream and all of my friends and it can make you be lucid in and a dream but you can here it talk to you in the real world but you are asleep

    • Demon Maybe conected to an item in the home mirror or brush.Something of personal energy. In fact this demon feeds off FEAR. So try not to fear it when your awake. The more fear it gets the stronger it gets. It may get so strong that it can follow you in across the state line if you choose to move.

  4. My best friend’s nine year old daughter has a severe juvenile kidney disease. She’s too sick for a transplant and now her heart and lungs r starting to fail as well. She has ADHD, OCD, PTSD, White Coat Syndrome, Bi Polar Disorder with Schizophrenic tendencies, Crohns Disease, Acid Reflux Disorder (with ulcers), 2 kinds of Anemia, A tube in her stomach for Dialysis and a G Tube in her stomach cuz she can’t eat. She’s terminal and she knows it.
    Last night she had a night terror about a monster that looked like Venom (big, tall, all black, big mouth, white eyes, and claws) chasing her. She hasn’t been willing to close her eyes since. She’s terrified. Her mom(my bestie) and I think that it’s a demon. Does anyone know what demon it is?

    • I don’t know if the little girl is still alive. If she is still alive is she on pain killers? My mother was allergic to codeine and it gave her horribly scary hallucinations. The other thing is…have you tried praying? Ask Jesus to come and hold her hands, ask Jesus to accompany her to heaven. Yea, tho I walk through the valley of death, I fear no evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power and the glory for ever and ever. Amen

  5. im not sure what exactly im doing here, im a student and demons are kinda my thing… i mean im into horror movies and stuff but like i wanna know for sure if demons actually exist. im an atheist so i dont really believe in god but if demons do exist then so does god … i mean nature always has a balance.. if good exists then so does evil, so if demons reallyexist then so does god. can someone help me find out whether they are real or not… cause in my whole life ive never come across anything even slightly demonic or sus or creepy or evil….but i wanna find out …i wanna believe.. is there anyone who can tell me how to explore this whole thing and find the truth???

    • I suggest reading the New Testament. You will find answers to your questions. There you will find The Way, The Truth, and The Life – John 14:6


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